Tuesday 1 April 2014

Things That Scare April!

HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY!!! How are we so far? Any pranks happen to you? Remember that it will only last the morning so hang on in there!

This is no prank, however. I am thrilled to be part of the Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea blog tour (thank you Hannah for including me!). Today, I shall be handing it over to April G. Tucholke, author of the book in question as she reveals the ten things that scare the heck out of her! I must thank April for revealing these to me and now, without any further ado, I shall hand you over to April!

(PS - before I go, I was going to add a pic of one of the scares, but I won't. That would be cruel. I have my moments, but I'm not a monster!)

Top Ten Things That Scare The Hell Out Of Me:

1. The coyotes I hear howling at night.

2. Abandoned houses.

3. Clowns. (Thanks, Stephen King’s It!)

4. Leeches.

5. Heights.

6. Swimming in the ocean.

7. Getting lost in a cave like Tom Sawyer

8. The concept of a “rat horde.”

9. Rustling cornfields at night.

10. Being (falsely) accused of murder.

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